Determine test

Determine type of test

Published under Risk Management

There are many ways of testing that a BCP is fit for purpose and the table below describes a number of these methods. The method chosen will depend on the maturity of BCM within the organisation and the testing which has been conducted before. It would not be a good idea to opt for a full rehearsal if the BCP has not been tested before.

In some case, it would be a good idea to appoint some of the people involved (employees and also trusted external consultants) in the role of facilitator and observer to help conducting and understanding the test.

The facilitator runs the test or exercise, but does not take an active part. He will brief the participants on the objectives of the test and will set the scene of the scenario. During the test, the facilitator co-ordinates the test activities (e.g. phone calls, playing of mock radio/TV broadcasts) and ensures that the test runs to time. After the test the facilitator will run a debriefing session and be responsible for writing a Test Report.

An observer observes the test and takes no part in the test at all. He records the outcomes of the test, as it progresses, against the critical success criteria for the test. He will assist in the debriefing session by summarising the key points observed and will pass their results to the facilitator to enable the Test Report to be written.

Type of test Function of test Participants Minimum frequency Complexity
Desk check Challenge and QA content of the BCP Author of plan
Another manager
On completion of a plan















Desktop walkthrough Challenge content of BCP Author of plan and main participants in plan Annually or twice yearly
Desktop scenario Use a scenario to walk through the plan to validate that the BCP contains both necessary and sufficient information to enable a successful recovery Participants in plan
Annually or twice yearly
Call out communications Test that the contact numbers for the people on the call out list are up to date and they know how to respond Staff on the call out lists Annually or twice yearly
Scenario exercise Use a scenario to role play the management of an incident to test that the IMP and associated plans will work. These exercises can be run to test the bronze, silver or gold teams Participants in plans
Annually or twice yearly
Technical Testing Testing that the information and technology systems can be restored effectively at the alternate sites ICT Recovery Teams
WARF teams if appropriate
Activity Testing Moves business activities to their alternate sites for a fixed time to test that they can access their systems, information, equipment and materials and carry out their critical processes Business Recovery Teams
WARF teams if appropriate
Complete Rehearsal Shut down an entire building and sends critical staff to their relocation sites All staff in building
Gold, silver and bronze teams



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