Minimum Security Requirements
The technical guideline for Minimum Security Measures is published by ENISA to provide guidance to national regulators on the security measures they should take into account when assessing compliance to the revise Telecommunnications Framework Directive.
Article 13a of the most recent update of the Telecommunications Framework Directive states that telecom network and service providers should take appropriate security measures to ensure the security and integrity of telecom networks.
ENISA has engaged national regulators from the different EU Member States in a number of meetings and workshops to develop a technical guideline concerning these security measures, called: Technical guideline for Minimum Security Measures.
Note: As a preparation to these activities, ENISA has worked with a contractor to survey international information security standards currently in use across the EU telecom sector, and has mapped the security measures in these standards to a set of domains. We provide the survey and the mapping, called metaframework, for reference (here and here).