Make a process for the admission of new members
Make a process for the admission of new members
As the ISAC evolves, it may want to include new members, or potential new members may want to join. The ISAC should cautiously work out a process for the admission of new members. New membership requests should jointly be reviewed and gain support from the whole ISAC community (depending on preferences of the ISAC) before admission of the candidate. Retaining trust is the top priority in order to maintain the willingness to exchange information, and consequently the right fit of the new member, regarding both added value and reliability, is of utmost importance. One way to organise the new membership process is to invite the candidate to the open part of the meeting, ask the candidate to present themselves, why they want to join and how they may contribute. This presentation may be followed by a questions and answers session. Finally, organisers discuss and review the candidate in a closed session and decide whether to admit the candidate or not. This process should preferably be described in the ToR.
Activity – Admission process
Document – Terms of Reference
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