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ENISA launches the CaRSEC Expert Group – Apply now

ENISA launches this Call for Participation to invite experts in security of Smart Cars and Intelligent Road Systems to participate to its expert group.

JRC Members visit ENISA

On Monday the 22nd of January, the Technology Assessment Unit (STA) from the Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC) Security of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), visited the ENISA premises in Athens.

ENISA - CEER 1st Workshop

On Friday the 22nd of January, ENISA hosted the meeting of the experts from the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) IT security subgroup in Athens.

Adopt PETs on data protection day!

On 28th January 2016, ENISA joins the 47 countries of the Council of Europe and the EU institutions, agencies and bodies to celebrate the 10th annual European Data Protection Day.

Defending the smart grid – how to protect networks and devices from cyber attacks

ENISA publishes today its report on "Communication network interdependencies in smart grids".

ENISA’s Cyber-Threat overview 2015

ENISA Threat Landscape 2015: A consolidated overview to the 15 top cyber threats together with detailed threat assessments in the emerging areas Software Defined Networks and Big Data.

ENISA Report on Information Sharing and Common Taxonomies between CSIRTs and Law Enforcement Agencies

ENISA publishes its report on Information Sharing and Common Taxonomies between CSIRTs and Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs).

ENISA launches eHealth Security Experts Group

ENISA in 2015, worked for the first time in the area of eHealth publishing a report on eHealth Security and Resilience.

Significant increase in cyber threats to critical services and infrastructures calls for enhanced cooperation among private and public sector stakeholders

With its study on critical information infrastructures (CIIs), ENISA analyses current CIIP practices and governance models deployed across EU Member States.

ENISA at OMNISECURE event in Berlin