Leon conclusions: ENISA to bridge gap between technology & policy

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Leon conference conclusions: ENISA to bridge the gap between technology and policy

Conclusions (highlights) by the participants to the Trust in the Information Society conference (10-11 February Leon, Spain):

- Confirm the essential importance of the development of Trust in the Information Society for economic growth, prosperity and the promotion of our societal values

- Endorse the analysis and recommendations presented in the RISEPTIS report

- Emphasise the urgency to develop a platform for effective cooperation on trust issues between stakeholders in RTD, industry, society, law and regulation and education and awareness.

and recommend to the European Commission and Member States

- To give urgent attention to these "Conclusions of Leon" in their upcoming decisions on the European Digital Agenda and Granada Strategy as well as in other relevant discussions, like those to be held at the WCIT 2010 in Amsterdam.

- To call upon ENISA, in close cooperation with Member States, the European Commission and other stakeholders, to actively support European research related to security and trust in ICT, in particular in bridging the gap between technology and policy, thus ensuring efficient uptake of research results in operational environments.

- To strengthen international cooperation to promote and develop Trust in the Information Society at a global scale."

For full conclusions, pls refer to:

Spain 'Trust in Information Society' Conclusions 

For the conference videos and presentations:
•    http://www.trustworthyict-inteco.webcastlive.es
•    http://trustworthyict.inteco.es/index.php/en/presentations

The Conference was attended by more than 260 persons from different public administrations, industry, investigation and innovation, and also from different  organizations representing the  users of the European scope from the Information Security sector.