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Udo Helmbrecht to deliver key note speech at Entrepreneurs Forum

Published on November 26, 2014

Udo Helmbrecht will be delivering the key note speech at the Entrepreneurs Forum today, 26th November 2014, on the threats to Cyber security (Cyber-Security: Wie akut ist die Bedrohung wirklich?).

During the event experts including our own Executive Director will engage on a discussion on ‘Cyber security- How should you protect yourself?’(Cyber-Security: Wie sollte man sich schützen?). Themes to be addressed involve data theft and espionage, looking into the severity of these threats, and how the relevant institutions, within the political and security sectors and context, are dealing with these threats.

Udo Helmbrecht commented: “We are living in a connected world where every aspect of our life is associated with online services such as e-banking, e-health, e-commerce, e- education, including social networks. As ICT technologies and business opportunities in cyberspace present opportunities both for crime and misuse, it is important to support our core values set down in the EU Charter of fundamental rights for privacy, freedom of expression while ensuring the smooth operation of the EU single market. E-everything are all now dependent on an open, safe and secure cyberspace, with ENISA well-suited for the role”.



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