Workshop presentations 1-2 Battista Biggio - Attacks on Machine Learning.pdf 1-1 Rainer Herpers - Deep Fake Video Identity Manipulations.pdf 1-3 ENISA Remote ID Proofing Attacks & Countermeasures Report.pdf 2-1 Deutsche Telekom - Secure Digital Identities, The Smartphone Users’ View.pdf 2-2 EBF The importance of identity proofing for banking sector and the challenges ahead.pdf 2-2 EBA Guidelines on Remote Customer Onboarding.pdf 2-3 Eurosmart - Remote identity proofing - User’s challenges.pdf 3-1 NIST - Face Recognition In ID Proofing Pros and Cons.pdf 2-4 BSI Experimental Findings on Remote Verifiability of Optical Security.pdf 3-2 CLR Labs - How to Evaluate Biometric Injection Attack within Remote Identity Proofing.pdf 3-3 TÜV Austria - The Challenge of Auditing Deep Learning Based Identity Proofing Processes.pdf 4-1 ANSSI Remote Identity Proofing Service Providers Certification.pdf 4-3 ETSI - Standard on Identity Proofing, Context & Challenges.pdf 4-2 BSI Certification requirements for AI-based identification services.pdf 4-4 Signicat - Identity proofing, from chaos and national rules towards European harmonization.pdf