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ENISA Threat Landscape 2020: Cyber Attacks Becoming More Sophisticated, Targeted, Widespread and Undetected

Threat landscape maps Malware standing strong as #1 Cyber Threat in the EU, with an increase in Phishing, Identity Theft, Ransomware; Monetisation holding its place as cyber criminals’ top motivation; and the COVID-19 environment fuelling attacks…

eHealth Security Conference on Covid-19 tracing mobile apps and key findings from session 1

The 1st session of the eHealth Security Conference stressed the need to apply stronger measures to secure the healthcare sector, in view of the Covid-19 pandemic. The next live session will reflect on the cybersecurity concerns for Covid-19 tracing…

Measuring ‘Security and Trust’ at the Annual Trust Services Forum

High-level meetings open discussion on cross-border e-transactions during eIDAS review.

Cybersecurity exercise boosts preparedness of EU Agencies to respond to cyber incidents

The exercise of the ICT Advisory Committee of the EU Agencies and Institutions (ICTAC), supported by ENISA, tests participants through mock scenarios of spear phishing campaigns, ransomware and more.

Highlights on the National Cybersecurity Strategies

On the 6th of 0ctober 2020, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity hosted a virtual workshop to validate the results of the study for the creation of a national capabilities assessment framework together with the EU Member States and related stakeholders.

IoT Cybersecurity: Webinar Series to Tackle Security Challenges of IoT

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity, Europol and CERT-EU team up to identify the main security risks of IoT and to work towards achieving a more secure IoT ecosystem across Europe.

Artificial Intelligence: Cybersecurity Essential for Security & Trust

MEP Kaili teams up with the EU Agency for Cybersecurity to explore the cybersecurity challenges of AI at one-day virtual workshop.

European Cybersecurity Month 2020 ‘Think Before U Click’ kicks off today

This October marks the European Union’s 8th European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM), promoting online security among EU citizens. The annual cybersecurity awareness campaign is coordinated by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and…

Blue OLEx 2020: the European Union Member States launch the Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network (CyCLONe)

The second Blue OLEx 2020 kicks off, alongside CyCLONe which will push forward the Commission’s Blueprint for rapid emergency responses for large-scale, cross-border cyber incidents or crises.

Cybersecurity in Healthcare: Online Conference Series to Address Sector’s Key Cyber Challenges

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity and the Danish Health Data Authority Kick Off European Conference Series on eHealth Security.