
4th CERT workshop (past)

ENISA Workshop: “The role of CERT teams in National incident response plans” 29th May 2008, Athens, Greece

May 28, 2008 12:00 AM to May 29, 2008 06:45 PM
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Warning: past event. Presentation content may be outdated!

The workshop

This 4th ENISA workshop on CERTs in Europe once again brought together the experts from established CERTs with newcomers, project managers and policy makers from the EU Member States involved with CERT initiatives.

The workshop had three goals:

  • Inform the Member States representatives about the plans and projects of the European Commission, ENISA and others in the field of resilience of public communication networks.
  • Support these programs by discussing them with the representatives from the Member States and retrieve valuable feedback.
  • Prepare a good practice guide on this topic for ENISA’s Work Program 2009.

Selected speakers from ENISA, the European Commission, Member States, US, Japan representatives and others facilitated the discussions.

Workshop 29th May

Time Topic Speaker  
08.30 - 09.00 Registration
09.00 - 09.20 Welcome address & introduction Ronald De Bruin, Marco Thorbruegge, ENISA
09.20 - 10.40 Session 1. Resilience of networks, broader view
Security and resilience in the Information Society: the role of CERTs/ CSIRTs in the context of the EU CIIP policy Andrea Glorioso, EC
Improving Resilience in European e-Communication networks: MTP1 Evangelos Ouzounis, ENISA
Open Discussion, Q&A
10.40 - 11.00 Coffee break
11.00 - 12.45 Session 2. EU Member State National response plans
UK Networks & Security: An overview Andrew Powell, CPNI
National response plans: IT-Crisis Response in Germany Andre Vorbach, BSI
CERT role in Finnish Response Plan &
The Finish CI Protection; State Crisis Management Model and Situation Awareness
Erka Koivunen, CERT-FI &
Timo Härkönen, Director of Government Security
Open Discussion, Q&A
12.45 - 13.45  Lunch
13.45 - 15.40 Session 2 cont. EU Member State National response plans
Polish experiences in running a national level CSIRT Miroslaw Maj, NASK
Introduction of the Hungarian financial information sharing and analysis model Ferenc Suba, CERT-Hungary
CNPIC as coordination centre in Spain
The Spanish case
Miguel Ángel Abad, CNPIC &
Joaquín Castillejo Blanco, TB-Security on behalf of CCN-CERT
Open Discussion, Q&A
15.40 - 16.00  Coffee break
16.00 - 17.10 Session 3. Experiences outside of Europe
CSIRT Contributions to National Cyber Incident Response: An Architectural Perspective with U.S. Examples Bradford Willke, CERT/CC
Public and Private National Cyber Incident Response Plan in Japan Yurie Ito, JPCERT/CC
Open Discussion, Q&A
17.10 - 17.30 Closing Workshop

Targeted Participants

The EU Member States and EEA countries are invited to nominate participants from their country that:

  • can provide competent input on the response plan of their country.
  • can report back to their governments about the out comings of this workshop, especially heads or members of national / governmental CERTs (but also other players in national NIS).



  • All presentations as ZIP file
  • The workshop report

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