Privacy and Network Information Security in Education
Every year in Brussels, CPDP gathers policy makers, academics, computer scientists, consultants, practitioners and activists from all over the world to exchange ideas and discuss emerging issues in information technology, privacy, data protection and law. CPDP has been growing progressively since its inception in terms of speakers, participants and panels. Ambitions for CPDP 2014 are higher than ever, and we aim to stage more than 40 panels and workshops (with a stimulating mix of academics, practitioners, regulators and advocates), as well as multiple side events (such as open debates, Pecha-Kucha performances and artistic interventions).
- Time
- Jan 22, 2014 from 10:30 AM to 11:45 AM
- Timezone
- Europe/Athens
- Place
- conference facilities in La Cave, Brussels
- Registration
- Attendees
- Chair Steve Purser (ENISA, EU) Moderator tbd Panel: Nicole Dewandre European Commission DG Connect (EU), François Thill, Luxemburg Ministry of the Economy and Foreign Trade (LUX), Kai Rannenberg, Goethe University Frankfurt (DE), Simone Fischer-Hübner, Karlstadt University (SE), Fiona Fanning, European Computer Driving Licence (BE), Trevor Hughes, International Association of Privacy Professionals (US)
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The users of online services are expressing serious privacy concerns even though recent studies indicate that these concerns are not reflected in their daily practice online. Such a discrepancy could be addressed by investing in the education of users regarding personal data protection. In its “Cyber security Strategy of the European Union: An Open, Safe and Secure Cyberspace” the European Commission highlights the need for measures in order to “Step up national efforts on NIS education and training” including enhanced skills and competence for IT security and personal data protection. The objective is to establish trust –from the users’ perspective – in the online environment. During the last 3 years ENISA has explored ways in which educators can get full use out of information technologies while promoting and providing NIS education. Stakeholders are invited to participate in the discussion and focus their attention on education and training initiatives, future challenges and on collaborative solutions.
- Training on network and information security (NIS) and personal data protection
- Existing and possible certification programs: the NIS driving licence, privacy professionals certification
- NIS and data protection basic training for staff working in public administrations
- Privacy e-learning solutions
- What’s next? Is the above enough?