Mobile attacks and defense: from infrastructure to application
This year the agency is updating the “Smartphone Secure Development Guidelines” and publishing a study on security for mobile payments. To validate the findings of the study and discuss future challenges, ENISA organizes a workshop in Berlin, Germany on 10th of November 2016 from 10:00 - 17:00.
- Time
- Nov 10, 2016 from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM
- Timezone
- Europe/Athens
- Place
- Johannisstrasse 2,10117, Berlin
- Registration
Free of charge
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ENISA is currently working on mobile attacks and defense: from infrastructure to application. This year the agency is updating the “Smartphone Secure Development Guidelines” and publishing a study on security for mobile payments.
To validate the findings of the studies and discuss future challenges from infrastructure to application, ENISA organizes a workshop in Berlin, Germany on 10th of November 2016 from 10:00 - 17:00.
The morning session will focus on mobile infrastructure attacks and defense with particular enphasis on SS7 with guest presentations from Luca Melette, SRlabs and Runar Langnes, Nkom Norway.
The afternoon session will focus on mobile application attacks and defense with guest presentations from Pietro Ferrara, JuliaSoft, Christian Papathanasiou, Darkmatter and the presentation of the 2016 ENISA studies on the Smartphone Secure Development Guidelines" update and Mobile Payments security.
Please fill the registration form, if you want to save your seats for this workshop.
Due to limited availability of seats, the registrations will be served on first come first serve basis until the exhaustion of the allocated resources.
Location: Johannisstrasse 2,10117, Berlin
More information about how to reach the location can be found here
For more info, please contact