
ENISA-ANACOM Workshop on Risk and Innovation

Jan 21, 2010 06:00 PM to Jan 22, 2010 05:30 PM
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ENISA-ANACOM Workshop on Risk and Innovation

22 January 2010, at Sofitel Lisbon Liberdade hotel, in Lisbon, a Workshop on Risk and Innovation, co-organized by ANACOM and ENISA.

Background and objectives

Target Audience

Full description of the event






More information


Background and objectives

Innovation generates new opportunities for traditional business activities by injecting new ideas that are often oriented towards higher specialization and thereby more knowledge intensive. Innovation contributes thus to the improvement of competitiveness, fosters knowledge based economy and contributes to the overall prosperity of our societies.

Through open interaction models, exchange and convergence of knowledge from various disciplines and sources, very fertile grounds for the creation and discussion of new ideas are created. It is expected that this increasing capacity is going to be one important source of innovation in the future.

Risks are interwoven with innovation. In order to innovate, organizations need to perform well-judged risk taking. There is no innovation at zero risk. The issue, however, is to find ways to judge risks and prepare risk-taking decisions, while mitigating unacceptable risks for the organization.

In order to support decision makers in managing these risks, new approaches for risk identification with regard to prospective/futuristic scenarios need to be developed. In these approaches, a bigger and wider knowledge capacity has to be part of the assessment and new categories of threat agents have to be taken into account. A vital element will be the validation of the scenarios. In order to achieve this, additional facilities have to be used, such as research labs, open knowledge communities, current and future market trends, in novel ways of interaction.

This workshop will debate experiences from organizations innovation activities from different sizes and sectors. Possible courses of action that have supported innovation will be presented and discussed, especially in areas where ICT deployment plays a fundamental role.

The main focus will be on the identification of relevant risk areas. It will be referred the size, nature and management techniques of residual risks that have been accepted during the innovation process.

Given the context of ENISA and ANACOM activities, information security risks will be the main concern of the discussions. This perspective underlines the fact, that good security is an essential component of innovation. In other words, due to their inherent risk exposure, implementations of innovative ideas that do not incorporate reasonable security models will probably not survive in the long term.

The workshop aims to obtain an interdisciplinary knowledge from the corporate innovation activities. This will help to look beyond purely technological, ICT security issues and understand the influence of other internal and external factors to information security, such as: resource availability, operational issues, market opportunities and relevant technological developments.

Target audience

As with all processes that introduce change in organizations, innovation process is at the responsibility and attention of the executive management. Other key roles involved in this dynamic process are CIO, carrying the responsibility of technology deployment, CFO, carrying the responsibility for budgeting, Business Development, bringing in competitive knowledge on products and also Risk Management. These roles might be united to few persons around the executive manager of small/medium enterprises.

Accordingly, target groups of this event are managers owning the innovation process in their public or private organization, together with the chief officers supporting that process. Entrepreneurs from small, innovative enterprises, as they unite most of the roles involved in the innovation process.

Full description of the event

Full description of the event can be found here.


See the workshop final program.


On 21 January a dinner will take place. The dinner is going to be in CCB at 20:00. There will be bus transfer to the dinner venue at 18:30 from Sofitel.


Participation in the workshop is free and open to all.  However, prior registration of participants is required by 20 January 2010. The registration form is availabe under the ANACOM Web site both in English and Portuguese.

Admission of participants is limited to the room availability (ca. 120 participants). The participants will be accepted for the conference following the first-come-first-served principle.



No interpretation service available.


Sofitel Lisbon Liberdade hotel, located at Avenida da Liberdade, 127, 1269-038 Lisboa. For more information about the hotel’s location, please see Sofitel Lisbon Liberdade website.

Useful information:

Please see useful information.

Related information:

Besides ENISA events web page, please see in ANACOM web site relevant information both in English and Portuguese.

More information

European Network and Information Security Agency - ENISA
Vassilika Vouton
710013 Heraklion, Crete

Tel.: +30 2810 391280
Fax: +30 2810 39 1896





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