Presentations Previous 20 items 1 2 Title Type Pieter WELLENS, DIGIT The sTesta infrastructure File Lauri PALKMETS, ENISA Technical trainings for CERTs File Klaus Peter KOSSAKOWSKI, TI Cyber Response Teams in Europe and beyond File Mariko MIYA, Cyber Defence Institute, Japan Major Cyber Incidents in Japan File ENISA 2nd International Conference on C3E Public Presentations File Presentations Page Andrea KROPACOVA, CESNET - DDoS attacks against www server providers in the Czech Republic File Dr. So-Jeong KIM, National Security Research Institute, S. Korea - Cyber-security in the Republic of South Korea File Omar SHERIN, Q-CERT, Qatar - 2013 CS drills for the Energy sector in Qatar.pdf File Claire VISHIK, Intel - Towards a standard approach to supply chain.pdf File Jigsaw exercises File Previous 20 items 1 2