Call 01/21 - 5G Cybersecurity Certification

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To enhance the framework on 5G cybersecurity and secure 5G deployment in the European Union, the European Commission requested ENISA (upon its mandate to develop cybersecurity certification schemes: Article 8 Cybersecurity Act) to develop a candidate European cybersecurity certification scheme for 5G networks (EU 5G scheme). Upon the task to prepare the candidate EU 5G cybersecurity certification scheme, ENISA launches this call for expression of interest for participation in an Ad Hoc Working Group (EU5G AHWG). 

What is the aim of the EU5G AHWG?

This candidate EU 5G scheme addresses only a part of the 5G eco system that was selected by the Member States, based on criteria to achieve stakeholder value and manageable scheme development. Based on this approach, the project will focus on the following use cases for cybersecurity certification:

  • The supply and deployment of identified 5G network equipment
  • Management of subscriber identities
  • Remote SIM provisioning
  • 5G authentication (incl. roaming)
  • Subscriber connectivity services


The DECISION No 73/2021 of ENISA's Executive Director of 25 October 2021 has established the ad-hoc group and the lists of selected candidates for membership. The decision was then amended by DECISION No 79/2021 and DECISION No 04/2022.

Members appointed to the Ad hoc Working Group on the candidate EU 5G Cybersecurity Certification Scheme:  Work stream 1 (in alphabetical order) 

First Name Surname Affiliation
RasmaArabyATSEC Information Security AB - Sweden
ValentinConstantinescuOrange Services - Romania
SergioCozzolinoTelecom Italia Mobile (TIM) - Italy
PatriciaDiez MuñozTELÉFONICA - Spain
JesusFernandezDEKRA Testing and Certification
JoeMalcolmCISCO Systems - UK
MohamadHajjInternet of Trust - France
JohnHickeyNOKIA - Ireland
SvenLachmundDeutsche Telekom - Germany
TangiLavanantOrange - France
PatrikPalmERICSSON - Finland
JosePicoLAYAKK Seguridad Informatica - Spain
PereQuetglasSGS Brightsight – Spain
WouterSlegersTrustCB The Netherlands
DavidStokesSAMSUNG - UK

Members appointed to the Ad hoc Working Group on the candidate EU 5G Cybersecurity Certification Scheme:  Work stream 2 (in alphabetical order) 

First Name SurnameAffiliation
JanEichholzGiesecke Devrient Mobile Security GmbH
Jean- PhilippeGalvanQualcomm
MohamadHajjInternet of Trust - France
JamesMacFarlaneNXP Semiconductors
Guillem ErnestMalagarrigaApplus Laboratories
DenisPracaThales DIS
PereQuetglasSGS Brightsight
Jose EmilioRico MartinezDekra Testing and Certification
Jean- PhilippeWaryOrange

Members appointed to the Ad hoc Working Group on the candidate EU 5G Cybersecurity Certification Scheme:  Work stream 3 (in alphabetical order) 

First Name SurnameAffiliation
ValentinConstantinescuOrange Services - Romania
JanEichholzGiesecke Devrient Mobile Security GmbH
Jean PhilippeGalvanQualcomm Technologies
MohamadHajjInternet of Trust - France
PaulHopkinsVodafone Group plc
SvenLachmundDeutsche Telekom
 BeatrizMartinez CandanoEricsson
MomchilNikolovTelenor Bulgaria
KrzysztofNurowskiP4 Iliad Group
JamesMacFarlaneNXP Semiconductors
Denis PracaThales DIS
ChristianSchneckenburger Infineon Technologies
StefanSchroederSamsung Electronics
Jean- PhilippeWaryOrange Labs