A Governance Framework for National Cybersecurity Strategies
This study focuses on the good practices around the set-up and deployment of a governance framework to support the implementation of the NCSS in the EU. The main aim of this statistical outline is to give an overview of the key findings of the study…
Governance framework for European standardisation
In response to the European Union’s Cybersecurity Strategy, the CSCG has published a White Paper with recommendations on digital security. The CSCG’s recommendations underline the importance of Cybersecurity standardisation to complete the European…
Building Effective Governance Frameworks for the Implementation of National Cybersecurity Strategies
This study is focusing on the good practices around the set-up and deployment of a governance framework to support the implementation of the NCSS in the EU. The objective is to systematically review existing governance models relevant to the…
Trusted e-ID Infrastructures and services in the EU - Recommendations for Trusted Provision of e-Government services
Under the scope of the the proposed new Regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market, which will supersede the current Directive 1999/93/EC on a Community framework for electronic…
The Use of Cryptographic Techniques in Europe
With the increased use of e-Government services, the amount of citizens’ sensitive data being transmitted over public networks (e.g. the Internet) and stored within applications that are accessible from anywhere on the Internet has grown…
IoT Security Standards Gap Analysis
This study analyses the gaps and provides guidelines for, in particular, the development or repositioning of standards, facilitating the adoption of standards and governance of EU standardisation in the area of NIS.
Implementation of article 15
E-Government services have significant potential to make public services more efficient for the benefit of citizens and businesses in terms of time and money. And while these benefits are increasingly being felt nationally, e-Government services…
Stocktaking, Analysis and Recommendations on the protection of CIIs
This study takes stock of and analyses the different approaches the EU Member States take to protect their critical information infrastructures by presenting key findings, the different CIIP governance structures and by emphasizing on good…
Flash note: Cyber-attacks – a new edge for old weapons
The EU’s cyber security agency ENISA has analysed recent major cyber-attacks and is calling for Europe’s businesses and government organisations to take urgent action to combat emerging attack trends. These are characterised by established attack…