EFR Framework Handbook
This handbook provides the documentation of the EFR Framework which consists of a scenario-based process model developed in order to assess and manage emerging and future risks.
A Governance Framework for National Cybersecurity Strategies
This study focuses on the good practices around the set-up and deployment of a governance framework to support the implementation of the NCSS in the EU. The main aim of this statistical outline is to give an overview of the key findings of the study…
National Capabilities Assessment Framework
This report presents the work performed by ENISA to build a National Capabilities Assessment Framework (NCAF). The framework aims at providing Member States with a self-assessment of their level of maturity by assessing their NCSS objectives,…
Governance framework for European standardisation
In response to the European Union’s Cybersecurity Strategy, the CSCG has published a White Paper with recommendations on digital security. The CSCG’s recommendations underline the importance of Cybersecurity standardisation to complete the European…
Auditing Framework for TSPs
This report provides an overview of the dedicated means of auditing for TSPs. It discusses specifically the following areas: standards applicable to TSPs and Conformity Assessment Bodies (auditors), methodology of auditing TSPs (off- and on-site),…
Interoperable EU Risk Management Framework
This report proposes a methodology for assessing the potential interoperability of risk management (RM) frameworks and methodologies and presents related results. The methodology used to evaluate interoperability stemmed from extensive research of…
Security Framework for Trust Service Providers
This document proposes a security framework to achieve compliance with Article 19 of the eIDAS Regulation. As illustrated below, this security framework includes specific guidelines for TSP on: 1) Risk management related to the security of the eIDAS…
Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework
One of the most important recommendations in the ENISA’s Cloud Computing Risk Assessment report is the Information Assurance Framework, a set of assurance criteria designed to assess the risk of adopting cloud services, compare different Cloud…
Security Framework for Governmental Clouds
ENISA after having analysed the present state of play of governmental Cloud deployment in 2013 report, presents a guide on the steps public administration has to take to deploy cloud computing. This report gives guidance on the process from pre-…
Emerging and Future Risks Framework - Introductory Manual
This is an introductory manual for the ENISA Emerging and Future Risks Framework.