Negotiated Procedure - maximum total budget of € 100.000,00 over 1 year
The scope of this Call for Tender is to find a suitable qualified contactor to provide high quality external ICT support services related to Microsoft Server technologies.
The required external ICT support services will be ordered in the form of two ICT profiles (persons) to execute the tasks of SharePoint development and System Administration using Microsoft Infrastructure (Active Directory, SQL Server, Exchange Server, SharePoint, SCCM, Windows Server, Windows 10 client). The two ICT profiles covering the scope above are the following:
- Senior SharePoint Developer ;
- Application Maintenance and Support Specialist
The requested profiles will need to execute the tasks in the ENISA's (intra-muros) premises located in Maroussi, Attiki, Greece.
If you are interested to be included in the list of invited candidates then please click on the 'submit your interest' link below: Detailed technical specifications will be communicated to those companies that have expressed their interest.