Provision of External Assistance services
Ref. Code ENISA F-CSS-22-T28 (ENISA/2022/OP/0020)
Sep 22, 2022
OPEN Tender Procedure (4 Lots)
Interested tenderers may bid for one Lot - or more Lots.
LOT 1 – ICT and Operational Projects External Support:
Maximum budget: €3.000.000,00 over 4 years
LOT 2 – Administrative and communications external support:
Maximum budget: €2.000.000,00 over 4 years
LOT 3 – Legal and paralegal consultancy external support:
Maximum budget: €1.000.000,00 over 4 years
LOT 4 – Finance and quality management external support:
Maximum budget: €1.000.000,00 over 4 years
The purpose of this Call for Tenders is the provision of external assistance services to support ENISA under 4 LOTS as described above, either via intra-muros at ENISA’s main premises (in Athens GR) or at its branch offices (Heraklion GR and Brussels BE) and via extra-muros (at the contractor’s premises or elsewhere).
By means of this Call for Tenders ENISA seeks to conclude a single framework contract under each LOT with a qualified economic operator capable to provide external assistance services as stipulated in the Technical Specifications document.
The tender documentation is available via the TED eTendering platform, which gives exclusive access to the eSubmission portal for submitting your offer - please use this link:
The documentation is also provided below for reference purposes only.