Negotiated Procedure - Maximum budget €80.000,00
The mission of ENISA in the area of the EU cybersecurity certification framework is to pro-actively contribute to the emerging EU framework for the ICT certification of products and services and carry out the drawing up of candidate certification schemes in line with the Cybersecurity Act.
ENISA aims to provide an integrated IT solution for the management of the Cybersecurity Act that will cover all the required processes and interactions of the all involved stakeholders, covering the whole lifecycle of a cybersecurity certification scheme.
Therefore, as part of its Work Programme 2019, ENISA is looking to contract services that will provide the functional and technical specifications of the IT system that will support the implementation of the EU cybersecurity certification framework. The project will specifically focus on analysing the user requirements stemming out of the provisions of the Cybersecurity Act, providing the functional and technical specifications that will be used at a later stage as input for the future implementation of the IT System that will fully support the whole lifecycle of the EU cybersecurity certification framework.
If you are interested in being invited to take part in this upcoming tender procedure (due to be launched in March 2019), then please 'submit your interest' before the deadline, using the link below.