Published on January 10, 2014
Today ISACA visited the ENISA premises in Athens. ISACA is a global, nonprofit organization which focusses on delivering guidelines and best practices on IT governance. From the side of ISACA, Ron Hale (CEO of ISACA), Christos Dimitriadis (member of the ISACA board and the ENISA PSG) as well as Shannon Donahue, Tom Lamm, Rolf Roessing participated in the meeting. At the meeting a number of topics and areas for collaboration and synergies were discussed, mainly around Cloud Computing, ICS/SCADA and (security) certifications and trainings for professionals.
By collaborating and discussing with a range of different companies and industry associations, ENISA aims to act as a bridge between EU governments and the industry. Over the past years ENISA and ISACA have collaborated on a number of projects. For example a joint ENISA-ISACA workshop on auditing security measures was organised in Berlin and last year ENISA also contributed several articles on ISACA's blog.
ENISA is looking forward to collaborate with ISACA on more projects and in this way leverage the reach and expertise of ISACA in its work.
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