Europe’s talents compete at the European Cyber Security Challenge!

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One hundred young European white hat hackers representing 10 EU Member States and EFTA countries met in Düsseldorf for the 2nd Cyber Security Challenge competition on the 7th - 9th November.

Teams measured their technical and cooperation skills in attacking and defending computer systems, leading the team from Spain to victory, with Romania and Germany reaching the 2nd and 3rd position respectively.

Participants were welcomed to the challenge and were handed their awards by Prof Pohlmann, Thorsten Menne of the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of the State of North Rhine Westphalia and the Head of ENISA's Core Operations Department, Dr Steve Purser. Zinaida Benenson, Sn. Researcher, IT Security Infrastructure Lab, University of Erlangen- Nuremberg, in her keynote speech spoke about why ‘hackers are better psychologists than security experts’.

Teams had to deal with vulnerabilities in web applications, binaries and document files, solve crypto puzzles and hack hardware systems. During the three days of the competition participants had the chance to further interact and attend to teambuilding activities, providing the opportunity to make connections with industry and gain insight into the professional IT security field. 

The European Cyber Security Challenge 2016 Final, hosted at Germany, was attended by teams from Austria, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Romania, Spain, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

Next year’s challenge is planned to take place at Malaga Spain in November 3, 2017.

A call for participation at the European the Cyber Security Challenge 2017 will be issued before the end of 2016. Please refer to ENISA if you wish to receive further information. Get ready to be the next cyber talent!

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European Cyber Security Challenge 2016 award ceremony photos

European Cyber Security Challenge 2016:


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