ENISA plays its part for a better internet!

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Safer Internet Day 2016 is celebrated on Tuesday 9 February 2016, with this year’s theme being 'play your part for a better internet’.

The dedicated website https://www.saferinternetday.org/, twitter account @safeinternetday and hastags #SID2016,  #Iplaymypart and #playyourpart showcase the many events and activities taking place across the globe to mark the day.

Safer Internet Day is organised by Insafe in February of each year to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially among children and young people across the world.

ENISA celebrates the day sharing some of its work in the field of education and awareness as a central broker of best practices in terms of NIS materials and tools. Check out ENISA’s page on saferinternetday for more tips! ENISA also supports the initiative on thunderclap

Four new posters are released and available online as part of our educational campaign (#Netiquette) for all EU citizens interested in a secure and safe digital life:


Download in your language clicking on the flags below:

We also recommend for consultation:

  • Education report
  • Pin a course on this interactive map
  • Search National Cyber Security Strategies on this interactive map
  • Adopt PETs! ENISA promotes awareness and the uptake of PETs (privacy enhancing technologies) which refer to technologies/tools that can support users in safeguarding their privacy and personal data, especially when using online applications and services. Examples of PETs include tools that can offer protection against online tracking, as well as tools providing encryption and secure messaging functionality. Download ENISA’s new ‘Time to adopt PETs’ poster!
  • Get involved as researcher: Submit your paper to the Annual Privacy Forum (APF) 2016 until March 15 2016
  • Training on technical topics at ENISA
  • Play the quiz by ENISA
  • A collection by ENISA with cyber cyber security awareness material available online     


User Education is key in cyber security! So play your part too! Follow #CyberEDU #CyberSecMonth #ECSM

Follow the live chat on twitter #ChatSTC 

#SID2016 #Iplaymypart  #playyourpart @safeinternetday

Safer Internet Day 2016 release

Related material you may find interesting: 
ENISA threat overview 2015 
ETL 2015 Cyber Threats Poster

For media and press enquiries please contact press@enisa.europa.eu, Tel: +30 2814 409576