The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) today held its annual high-level event at the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the EU, in Brussels.
This year’s theme “10 years of securing Europe’s cyber security... and beyond!” marks a decade of contribution by the Agency to improving EU cyber security and looks ahead at the future cyber security challenges. Topics included using cyber security as an economic enabler, how we can secure future technologies, the need to apply standardisation and how to effectively balance security needs with privacy.
The meeting, led by ENISA’s Executive Director, Prof. Dr Udo Helmbrecht, brought together key members of the European Parliament and the European Commission with representatives of the private sector from Europe and the U.S.
Mr Michael Hinterdobler, Head of the Bavarian Representation, gave the opening statement. The key note speech was delivered by Ms Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for the Digital Agenda. Panellists and participants included Mr Christian Ehler (MEP, ITRE), Mr Paul Timmers (EU Commission), Mr Scott Charney (Microsoft), Dr Thomas Kremer (Dt. Telekom), Mr Reinhard Ploss (Infineon), Mr Marc Darmon (Thales), and Mr Matt Ellard (Symantec).
The Executive Director Prof. Dr Udo Helmbrecht commented: “Cybersecurity is essential for the smooth operation of our society and economy. In this event, ENISA presents its concrete contribution to EU society and industry all these years, and together with all public and private actors looks into the future challenges of cyber security. ENISA, as a centre of expertise in cyber security for Europe, is uniquely positioned to address these challenges”.
The event included the official launch of the European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) with the support of DG CONNECT and Partners. Representatives included Code week, Safer Internet, the Grand Coalition for Jobs, European and US Partners, and ENISA Board member Mr Francois Thill from the Luxemburg ECSM coordination who moderated the discussion on the issue of “Involving the citizen”.
Commissioner Kroes’ comment on the ECSM: “The Internet and its many services bring many benefits to our society: not least significant growth of our economy and millions of jobs. But we need to build and restore trust if we really want to achieve those benefits. When it comes to cyber security, it is in our common interest to be much more responsive and resilient to cyber threats. ENISA can both play an operational and a strategic role to ensure that Europe is ready for the challenge, together with public and private parties. Each one of us must play our part in the cyber-security challenge: every citizen, every business, every government."
Within the scope of the event, the vulnerability of IT systems and services was demonstrated with a live hacking showcase by Symantec. In addition, ENISA publishes today two reports:
ENISA’s Cyber Cooperation report looks at a decade of achievement, summarising the threat landscape, the recent developments in EU policy and the regulatory framework.
ENISA’s Digital Sovereignty report identifies the barriers for an alternative model for the EU cybersecurity industry.
For interviews and further information: Dr Steve Purser, Head of Core Operations Department, via secretary Ms Irma Wunderlin email: [email protected], Tel. +30 2814409612, Mobile 6951782259 and Executive Director Prof. Dr Udo Helmbrecht, via personal assistant Ms Renata Jankowska email: Renata Jankowska email: [email protected] Tel.+302814409592, Mobile: 6951782263
Tags: #HLE14eu #CyberSecMonth #OctoberNIS #ENISA
Notes to Editors:
- Virtual press-kit link.
- Photos to be uploaded later today: link.
- Video footage to follow tomorrow: ENISA’s YouTube channel