The 2nd edition of the annual European Cybersecurity Skills Conference focused on sharing and discussing progress linked to the added value and prospects of the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF). The conference showcased how the ECSF has had an impact across different communities in order to bridge the skills gap and reduce the workforce shortage across all the European Union.
The full agenda is available here
ECSF explanatory video is available here
ECSF main webpage with all the relevant information is available here
Day 1
The European Commission Communication on the Skills Academy | Miguel GONZALEZ-SANCHO, Head of Unit ‘Cybersecurity Technology and Capacity Building’, European Commission  |
Impact and Prospect of the European Cybersecurity Framework (ECSF) | Fabio DI FRANCO, ENISA  |
Synergies among European Initiatives Moderator: Dimitra LIVERI, ENISA 
| Katarzyna PRUSAK-GORNIAK, Deputy Chair of the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC) Davide MARTINI, Senior Expert, Cybersecurity in Aviation, European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Panagiotis MARZELAS, Cyber ETEE team leader, European Security & Defence College (ESDC) Jutta BREYER, CEN TC428 WG2 Conveyor |
From strategy to actions: National policy initiatives endorsing ECSF Moderator: Javier GOMEZ, ENISA 
| Xana MARTINEZ, National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE), Spain Paolo ATZENI, Director for skill and competence development, Agenzia della Cybersicurezza Nazionale (ACN), Italy Miroslav HAVELKA, Head of Education department, Cyber Security Competence & Certification Centre, Slovakia Christiana PIPERIDOU, Digital Security Authority of Cyprus |
Closing the professional skills gap: the role of private entities Moderator: Miguel Ángel CAÑADA NAVARRO, INCIBE 
| Alberto LONGHI, Training manager, Leonardo  Jetzabel SERNA, CEO & Founder, SAPAR GmbH  Andy WOOLHEAD, Head of Global Product, CRES  |
Day 2
Keynote speech | Karen WETZEL, Manager NICE Framework, NIST  |
Driving Impact: Empowering Certifications through ECSF Moderator: Anne-Sophie DIEHL, DG CNECT, EC  | Sanjana MEHTA, Senior Director, Advocacy, ISC2
Vladlena BENSON, Academic and Research Liaison, ISACA Brian CORREIA, Director Business Development, SANS James STANGER, Chief Technology Evangelist, CompTIA |
Promoting Excellence: capacity building activities embracing the ECSF Moderator: Héctor LAIZ IBAÑEZ, INCIBE 
| Argyro CHATZOPOULOU, Co-founder APIROPLUS Solutions, Partner organization of the REWIRE funded project  Enrico CALANDRO, Project Leader, Cyber Resilience for Development (Cyber4Dev)  Eliana STAVROU, Assistant Professor, Academic Programme Coordinator MSc Computer and Network Security, Open University of Cyprus  Manel MEDINA, Co-Director of Cybersecurity Management MsC, UPC-School  |
Inspiring testimonials from the Cybersecurity Frontlines Moderator: Sara GARCIA BECARES, INCIBE  | Sarka PEKAROVA, Penetration Tester, Thermo FisherScientific Carlos POLOP, Penetration Tester & 2021's captain of Spanish challenge and player in Team Europe Edel O' BRIEN, Cybersecurity Educator, Central Bank of Ireland Vanessa VENTRESCA, CEO & Co-founder, CyberTalentSpain |