Promote targeted r&I of cybersecurity technology and solutions that actually meet the needs and priorities to protect the Union from cyber threats.

Research and Innovation

The EU is expanding its support and investment in the wealth of cybersecurity research, technological and industrial development expertise and experience available in the Union by prioritising its support and funding efforts, in particular through its Horizon Europe and Digital Europe programmes.

In 2019, ENISA was given a new mandate under the EU Cybersecurity Act, which includes a new role in cybersecurity research and innovation. Under the regulation, ENISA is required to take full note of ongoing activities in research, development and assessment of technologies in the various research institutions, universities and industry. In addition, ENISA is to advise Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and, where appropriate, Member States, at their request, on cybersecurity research needs and priorities.

ENISA conducts various annual assessment activities through its Research and Innovation Observatory and maintains an ongoing and constructive dialogue with members from the various sectors of the community and industry. The Agency is currently involved in the establishment of the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC) as an advisor and observer to the Governing Board, collaborating with the Centre and the National Coordination Centres, ensuring synergies and providing relevant input in the preparation of the Centre’s strategic agenda, work programmes and multi-annual work programme (Articles 5, 8, 10, 12, 18 of ECCC Regulation EC 2021/887).

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