As cybersecurity becomes more of a priority for hospitals, it is essential that it is integrated holistically in the different processes, components and stages influencing the healthcare ICT ecosystem. Procurement is a key process shaping the ICT…
Security Guide for ICT Procurement
The “Security Guide for ICT Procurement” aims to be a practical tool for electronic communications service providers to better manage security risks when dealing with vendors of ICT products and outsourced services. The Guide maps security risks…
Secure ICT Procurement in Electronic Communications
The report, “Secure ICT Procurement in Electronic Communications”, focuses on the growing dependency of electronic communications service providers on ICT products and outsourced services, it analyses security risks associated with third party ICT…
Indispensable baseline security requirements for the procurement of secure ICT products and services
This short paper can be of use to suppliers and procurement officers when planning, offering and purchasing ICT products, systems and services. It is meant as a practical, technologically neutral document with clear, simple and sector-agnostic…
Procure Secure: A guide to monitoring of security service levels in cloud contracts
A practical guide aimed at the procurement and governance of cloud services. This guide provides advice on questions to ask about the monitoring of security. The goal is to improve public sector customer understanding of the security of cloud…
Cloud Security Guide for SMEs
This guide wants to assist SMEs understand the security risks and opportunities they should take into account when procuring cloud services. This document includes a set of security risk, a set of security opportunities and a list of security…
Cloud Security for Healthcare Services
This study aims to provide Cloud security practices for the healthcare sector and identify security aspects, including relevant data protection aspects, to be taken into account when procuring Cloud services for the healthcare industry. The set of…
Security Framework for Governmental Clouds
ENISA after having analysed the present state of play of governmental Cloud deployment in 2013 report, presents a guide on the steps public administration has to take to deploy cloud computing. This report gives guidance on the process from pre-…
Procurement Guidelines for Cybersecurity in Hospitals: New Online tool for a Customised Experience!
The new tool helps healthcare organisations identify best practices in order to meet cybersecurity needs when procuring products or services.