Cybersecurity Education Initiatives in the EU Member States
Today, the internet is a tool used in many educational activities, which increases the amount of
time children are exposed to cyberspace and its risks. Informing young users about the
importance of maintaining personal privacy is not enough to keep…
EU Member States incident response development status report
Following the recent transposition of the NIS Directive1 (NISD) into European Member States (MS) legislation, this study aims to analyse the current operational Incident Response set-up within NISD sectors2 and identify the recent changes. The study…
Status of privacy and NIS course curricula in EU Member States
User Education is key in cyber security. Our work for this report follows up on previous efforts and suggested recommendations from 2014 and 2013. The first objective of this report is to identify gaps between available training courses,…
Good practices in innovation on Cybersecurity under the NCSS
ENISA supports the efforts aimed to enhance the overall level of cybersecurity in the Member States (MS) both at a national and EU level. This report supports that effort by analysing how Member States are approaching innovation as a strategic…
Good Practice Guide for securely deploying Governmental Clouds
In this report, ENISA identifies the Member States with operational government Cloud infrastructures and underlines the diversity of Cloud adoption in the public sector in Europe. Moreover through this document, ENISA aims to assist Member States in…
The Use of Cryptographic Techniques in Europe
With the increased use of e-Government services, the amount of citizens’ sensitive data being transmitted over public networks (e.g. the Internet) and stored within applications that are accessible from anywhere on the Internet has grown…
Networking with Member States
ENISA's National Liaison Officers (NLO) met in Athens on 13th February, with 17 participants from EU Member States coming together to discuss collaboration with the Agency.
National/governmental CERTs - ENISA's recommendations on baseline capabilities
Having a national / governmental CERTs in place that fulfils the requirements for ’baseline capabilities’ as defined in this document is essential for CIIP in all Member States. However these teams should not be considered as the one and only…
Gaps in NIS standardisation - Recommendations for improving NIS in EU standardisation policy
This report recommends that the European Commission, with the support of the Member States, pursuant to the NIS Directive, adopt a standards based framework for the exchange of threat and defensive measure information that impacts the functioning of…
Stocktaking, Analysis and Recommendations on the protection of CIIs
This study takes stock of and analyses the different approaches the EU Member States take to protect their critical information infrastructures by presenting key findings, the different CIIP governance structures and by emphasizing on good…