A number of allowances may be added to your salary depending on your personal circumstances. The final salary is calculated by adding the relevant allowances and by deducting social security contributions and other taxes.
- family allowances
- household allowance (2% of basic salary + €181.82),
- dependent-child allowance (€397.29),
- pre-school allowance (€97.05),
- reimbursement of school fees up to a maximum of €269.56, which can be doubled in some cases;
- allowances,
- expatriation allowance(16%) or foreign residence allowance (4%) - applied to basic salary,
- secretarial allowance, ad personam, only for staff eligible for this prior to 1 May 2004 (C4/C5: €140.57, C3/C1: €215.54),
- various (for standby duty, etc.),
- reimbursement of annual travel expenses.
A deduction is also made from your salary at source for:
- social security contributions(% of basic salary),
- pension (9,8%),
- health insurance (1,70%),
- accident cover (0,10%),
- unemployment insurance (0,81%), for temporary and contract staff only;
- and income tax,
- tax levied progressively at a rate of between 8% and 45% of the taxable portion of your salary,
- solidarity levy whose rate shall be 6%. The rate shall however be 7% for officials in grade AD15, step 2, and above (article 66a of the Staff Regulations).
The various components of your salary are also updated every year.
Other Benefits
- Special ID card , issued by the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Special car license plates (for certain grades);
- VAT exemption allowance on certain goods for a period of 2 years;
- Statutory staff who have completed at least 10 years of service or reached pensionable age, are entitled to a pension under the pension scheme of the European Union institutions (PSEUI).