
2nd European Workshop on Emergency Preparedness in the Telecom Sector

The 2nd Public European Workshop is an opportunity to shape the conclusions and proposals of the study on "measures to analyse and improve European emergency preparedness in the field of fixed and mobile telecommunication and the internet". The workshop will be held at Thales’ Headquarters in Neuilly, just on the outskirts of Paris.

Mar 25, 2010 from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
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A study on "measures to analyse and improve European emergency preparedness in the field of fixed and mobile telecommunication and the internet" launched by EC / DG INFSO, invite you to take part, in Paris on March 25th, in the "2nd European Workshop on Emergency Preparedness in the Telecom Sector".

The stock-taking phase of the study, out of data collected from public and private stakeholders of 20 EU Member States and from further research, has:

  • Explicited the need for definitions
  • Highlighted the Emergency Preparedness Governance Models favoured by stakeholders for the national and European levels
  • Analysed stakeholders’ opinions on 16 Emergency Preparedness Measures
  • Researched on national legal frameworks regarding Emergency Frameworks
  • Analysed resilience capabilities mobilised by stakeholders in 12 major crises involving or impacting telecommunication infrastructures or the Internet as well as well as lessons to be learned to enhance Emergency Preparedness
  • Provided comparative data showing how Emergency Preparedness is achieved in the USA-Canada and South Korea.

Since the completion of this stock-taking phase and its 1st European Workshop in 2009, the study has undergone two major steps :

  • A Consolidation of WP1 analyses and Assessment of EU Preparedness
  •  The elaboration of Recommendations & Guidance.

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